0. Self-care
1. Parent Stories
2. Parenting
3. Special Needs Parenting
4. Family Issues
5. Grief
7. Sensory Issues
8. Autism, Asperger Syndrome
9. Specific Disabilities (Other)
10. Teaching Strategies & Manuals
11. Nutrition & Medical Reference
12. Inclusion / Circle of Friends
13. Children’s Books Relating to Disability
14. Transition
15. Special Education / IDEA
16. ADA, ATA
17. Lanterman Act, IPP, IFSP
18. Advocacy
19. Early Intervention / FRC/N
20. Social Skills
21. Deaf, Hard of Hearing, ASL
22. Blind, Visually Impaired, Braille
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0. Self-care
Number Title & Author
0.00 Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents) Eline Snel
0.01 The Stress Management Handbook National Press
0.02 5-Minute Retreats for Women Sue Augustine
0.03 The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook Martha Davis, Ph. D., Elizabeth Robbins Eschelman, M.S.W., Matthew McKay, Ph. D.
0.04 My Anxious Mind: A Teens Guide to Managing Anxiety and Panic Michael A. Tompkins, Ph. D. and Katherine Martinez, Psy. D.
0.05 Getting Past your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy Francine Shapiro, Ph.D.
0.06 The Complete Guide to Self-Care: Best Practices for a Healthier and Happier You Kiki Ely
0.07 Self-Care for Moms: 150+ Ways to Care for Yourself when You’re Caring for Someone Else Sara Robinson, MA
0.08 Breathe Mama Breathe: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms Shonda Moralis, MSW, LCSW
0.09 The Little Pocketbook of Mindfulness Anna Black
1. Parent Stories
Number Title & Author
1.00 News from the Border June Taylor McDonnell
1.01 A Child Called NOAH Josh Greenfeld
1.02 A Place For NOAH Josh Greenfeld
1.03 A Client Called NOAH Josh Greenfeld
1.04 A Slant of Sun Beth Kephart
1.05 When Snow Turns to Rain Craig B. Schulze
1.06 Without Reason Charles Hart
1.07 Dancing in the Rain Annabel Stehli
1.08 Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen,Jennifer Read Hawthorne, Marci Shimoff
1.09 Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Kimberly Kirberger & Raymond Aaron
1.10 Chicken Soup for the Soul; Children with Special Needs Canfield, Hansen, McNamara, Simmons
1.11 From the Heart; On Being the Mother of a Child with Special Needs Edited By Jayne D.B. Marsh
1.12 Let Me Hear Your Voice Catherine Maurice
1.13 Tiny Titan Ann Yurcek
1.14 An Anthropologist On Mars Oliver Sacks
1.15 The Broken Cord Dorris Michael
1.16 You Will Dream New Dreams Stanley D. Klein,Ph.D. & Kim Schives
1.17 Changed By a Child Barbara Gill
1.18 Down Is Up for Aaron Eagle; A Mother’s Spiritual Journey with Down Syndrome Vicki Noble
1.19 The Elephant in the Playroom Denise Brodey
1.20 More Than A Mom Amy Baskin &Heather Fawcett
1.21 The Love of Caring: A Collection of 100 Heartfelt Caregiver Stories Shield Healthcare
1.22 Louder Than Words Jenny McCarthy
1.23 A Mother Warriors Jenny McCarthy
1.24 A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism Edited by Colleen Sell
1.25 AUTISM Heartfelt Thoughts from Fathers Judy Lynne
1.26 AUTISM Heartfelt Thoughts from Mothers Judy Lynne
1.27 A Regular Guy – Growing Up With Autism Laura Shumaker
1.28 Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell their Stories Megan Kelley Hall, Carrie Jones
1.29 Schuyler’s Monster: A Father’s Journey with his Wordless Daughter Robert Rummel-Hudson
2. Parenting
Number Title & Author
2.00 The Fussy Baby Sears, M.D., William
2.01 Grandparents as Parents Sylvie de Toledo, Deborah Edler Brown
2.02 Stop Struggling with Your Teen Evonne Weinhaus, Karen Friedman
2.03 Why Kids Lie; How Parents can Encourage Truthfulness Paul Ekman, Ph.D.
2.04 How to Develop Self-Esteem In Your Child: 6 Vital Ingredients Bettie B. Youngs, Ph.D., Ed.D.
2.05 Teaching Your Children Values Linda and Richard Eyre
2.06 How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children Gerald Newmark, Ph.D.
2.07 When You Feel Like SCREAMING! Help For Frustrated Mothers. Pat Holt & Grace Ketterman, M.D.
2.08 How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
2.09 Discipline Without Shouting or Spanking Jerry Wyckoff, Ph.D., & Barbara C. Unell
2.10 New Skills for Frazzled Parents (The Instruction Manual That should have come with your child
Daniel G. Amen, MD
2.11 1-2-3 Magic Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.
2.12 Being There; The Benefits of a Stay-at-Home Parent Isabelle Fox, Ph.D.
2.13 Surviving Your Adolescents Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.
2.14 Parenting Teens with Love and Logic Foster Cline, MD & Jim Fay
2.15 Discipline with Love and Logic Jim Fay & Foster W Cline, MD
2.16 Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood; Practical Parenting from Birth to Six Years Jim Fay & Charles Fay, Ph.D.
2.17 Parenting with Love & Logic; Teaching Children Responsibility Foster Cline & Jim Fay
2.18 The Mystery of Risk- Drugs, Alcohol, and the Vulnerable Child Ira J. Chasnoff, MD
2.19 Food Chaining- The Proven 6-step Plan to stop Picky Eating, Solve Feeding Problems, and Expand your
Child’s Diet Cheri Franker, CCC-SLP, CLC, Mark Fishbein, MD, Sibyl Cox, RD, LD, CLC, Laura Walbert, CCC-SLP, CLC
2.20 P.E.T. Parent Effectiveness Training Dr. Thomas Gordon
2.21 Good Night, Sleep Tight: The Sleep Lady’s Gentle Guide to Helping Your Child Go to Sleep, Stay Asleep,
and Wake Up Happy Kim West, Joanne Kennen
2.22 The Positive Parenting Workbook: An Interactive Guide for Strengthening Emotional Connection Rebecca Eanes
2.23 No-drama Discipline: The Whole Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture your Child’s Developing Mind Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.
2.24 Liberated Parents, Liberated Children: Your Guide to a Happier Family Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish
2.25Positive Discipline for Preschoolers: For Their Early Years- Raising Children Who Are Responsible, Respectful, and Resourceful Jane Nielsen, Ed.D., Cheryl Erwin, M.A., Roslyn Ann Duffy
2.26 Siblings without Rivalry: How to Help your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish
3. Special Needs Parenting
Number Title & Author
3.00 Special Kids Need Special Parents: A Resource for Parents of Children with Special Needs Judith Loseff Lavin
3.01 Raising a Child who has a Physical Disability Donna Albrecht
3.02 Working with People with Challenging Behaviors Nathan Ory
3.03 Yoga for the Special Child Sonia Sumar
3.04 In Time and With Love – Caring for Infants and Toddlers With Special Needs Marilyn Segal, Ph.D.
with Wendy Masi, Ph.D. and Roni Leiderman, Ph.D.
3.05 If you’ve ever wanted to crawl in the closet with an OREO Martha Kate Downey
3.06 The Child with Special Needs (Encouraging Intellectual and Emotional Growth) Stanley I. Greenspan, MD &
Serena Wieder, PhD
3.07 Steps to Independence (Teaching Everyday Skills to Children with Special Needs) Bruce L. Baker & Alan J. Brightman
3.08 Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism or other developmental Issues Maria Wheeler, M.ED.
3.09 A Parent’s Guide to Response-to-Intervention National Center for Learning Disabilities
3.10 Nurtured Heart Approach to Parenting
3.11 Breakthrough Parenting for Children Judy Winter
3.12 The Explosive Child Ross W. Greene, Ph.D.
3.13 Transforming the Difficult Child Workbook: An Interactive Guide to The Nurtured Heart Approach Howard Glasser
3.14 It’s Nobody’s Fault (New hope and help for difficult children) M Harold S. Koplewicz, MD
3.15 Parenting Children with Health Issues Foster W. Cline. MD & Lisa C. Greene
3.16 “You Can’t Make Me” [But I Can Be Persuaded] Strategies for Bringing out the Best in your Strong-willed Child
Cynthia Ulrich Tobias
3.17 Playing the Hand that’s Dealt to You Janet Morel
3.18 The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child Alan E. Kazdin, Ph.D.
3.19 One Small Starfish: A Mother’s Everyday Advice, Survival Tactics & Wisdom for Raising a Special Needs Child
Anne Addison
3.20 Going Solo While Raising Children with Disabilities Laura E. Marshak, Ph.D.
3.21 The Simple Guide to Child Trauma: What it is and How to Help Betsy de Thierry
3.22 The Preemie Primer Jennifer Gunter, MD
3.23 The Preemie Parents’ Companion Susan L. Madden, M.S.
3.24 Parenting your Asperger Child Alan Sohn, Ed.D. and Cathy Grayson, M.A.
3.25 The Explosive Child Ross W. Greene, Ph.D.
3.26 Disconnected Kids Dr. Robert Melillo
3.27 Positive Discipline for Children with Special Needs: Raising and Teaching all Children to Become Resilient, Responsible, and Respectful Jane Nielsen, Ed.D., Steven Foster, L.C.S.W., Arlene Raphael, M.S.
3.28 Parenting a Bipolar Child: What to Do & Why Gianni L. Faedda, MD, Nancy B. Austin, Psy.D.
3.29 Welcoming a Newborn with Down Syndrome: A New Parent’s Guide to the First Month Nancy McCrea Iannone, Stephanie Hall Meredith
4. Family Issues
Number Title & Author
4.00 Dancing with Dragons (An Entire Family’s Insights into a disability) Gerard J. Mialaret
4.01 The Sibling Survival Guide Don Meyer and Emily Holl
4.02 Living with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs (A Book for Sibs) Donald J. Meyer, Patricia F. Vadasy,
and Rebecca R. Fewell
4.03 Sibshops, Workshops for siblings of children with special needs Donald J. Meyer & Patricia F. Vadasy
4.04 Brothers, Sisters, and Special Needs (Information and Activities for Helping Young Siblings of Children with
Chronic Illnesses and Developmental Disabilities Debra j. Lobato
4.05 Brothers & Sisters ( A special Part of Exceptional Families) Second Edition Thomas H. Powell &
Peggy Ahrenhold Gallagher
4.06 How it Feels to be Adopted Jill Krementz
4.07 Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy Sheryl Sandberg, Adam Grant
5. Grief
Number Title & Author
5.00 For Those Who Live (Helping children cope with the death of a brother or sister Kathy LaTour
5.01 When Things Fall Apart Pema Chödrön
5.02 The Grief Recovery Handbook John W. James and Russell Friedman
5.03 Scarred by Struggle, Transformed by Hope Joan D. Chittister
5.04 The Bereaved Parent Harriet Sarnoff Schiff
5.05 The Magical Thought of Grieving Children James A. Fogarty
5.06 The Healing Sorrow Workbook Peg Elliott Mayo,L.C.S.W.
5.07 Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents Judith A. Cohen, Anthony P. Mannarino, Esther Deblinger
5.08 Unsung Lullabies: A Parent’s Guide to Healing After Childbearing Loss By H.A.N.D. Helping after Neonatal Death
5.09 Children and Grief: When A Parent Dies J. William Worden
Number Title & Author
6.00 The Early Childhood Attention Deficit Disorder Intervention Manual Stephen B. McCarney, Ed.D. and
Nanci W. Johnson, B.S.
6.01 The CHADD Information and Resource Guide to AD/HD CHADD
6.02 ADHD & Teens A Parents Guide to making it Through the Tough Years Colleen Alexander-Roberts
6.03 ADD Success Stories (A Guide to Fulfillment for Families with Attention Deficit Disorder Thom Hartmann
6.04 Power Parenting for Children with ADD/ADHD Grad L. Flick, Ph. D.
6.05 ADD A common but often overlookeD Disorder of children Glenn Hunsucker
6.06 Answers to Distraction Edward M. Hallowell ,M.D. John J. Ratey M.D.
6.07 Moving Beyond ADD/ADHD (An effective Holistic Mind-Body approach Rita Kirsch Debroitner R.C.S.W, Ph.D. &
Avery Hart
6.08 Why Johnny Can’t Concentrate Coping with Attention Deficit Problems Robert A. Moss, MD, with Helen Huff Dunlop
6.09 The Attention Deficit Child Dr. Grant Martin
6.10 Maybe You Know My Kid A Parent’s Guide to Identifying, Understanding and Helping Your Child with
Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Mary Fowler
6.11 Keys to Parenting A Child with Attention Deficit Disorder Barry E. McNamara, Ed.D. &
Francine J. McNamara, M.S.W., C.S.W.
6.12 Attention Deficit Disorder A Different Perception Thom Hartmann
6.13 All About Attention Deficit Disorder Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.
6.14 Allergies and the Hyperactive Child Doris J. Rapp, M.D.
6.15 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / What Every Parent Wants to Know David L. Wodrich, Ph.D.
6.16 The ADD Hyperactivity Workbook for Parents, Teachers and Kids Harvey C. Parker, Ph.D.
7. Sensory Issues
Number Title & Author
7.00 Oh Behave! / Sensory Processing and Behavioral Strategies MaryAnn Colby Trott, M.A.
7.01 Understanding Sensory Integration MaryAnn Colby Trott, M.A.
7.02 Understanding Sensory Dysfunction Polly Godwin Emmons & Liz McKendry Anderson
7.03 A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Sensory Integration
7.04 Sensory Processing Workshop
7.05 Unlocking the Mysteries of Sensory Dysfunction Elizabeth Anderson & Pauline Emmons
7.06 Starting Sensory Integration Therapy Bonnie Arnwine
7.07 Including SI for Parents – Sensory Integration Strategies At Home and School
Jeanne Sangirardi Ganz, OTR/L, BCP
7.08 The Sensory Processing Disorder Answer Book Tara Delaney, MS OTR/L
7.09 Too Loud Too Bright Too Fast Too Tight Sharon Heller, PhD
7.10 Piaget’s Theory in Practice – Thinking Goes to School Hans G Furth & Harry Wachs
7.11 The Out-of-Sync Child Carol Stock Kranowitz
7.12 Sensory Motor Integration Activities Barbara E. Fink,OK
7.13 101 Games and Activities for Children with Autism, Aspergers, and Sensory Processing Disorders Tata Delaney, M.S., OTR
7.14 No Longer a Secret: Unique Common Sense Strategies for Children with Sensory or Motor Challenges Doreit S. Bialer, MA, OTR/L, Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR
8. Autism, Asperger’s
Number Title & Author
8.00 The ADHD Autism Connection Diane M. Kennedy
8.01 AUTISM: Effective Biomedical Treatment Jon Pangborn, PhD and Sidney MacDonald Baker, MD
8.02 Labeled Autistic Temple Grandin and Margaret M. Scariano
8.03 Thinking In Pictures And Other Reports from My life with Autism Temple Grandin
8.04 Children With Autism – Second Edition (A Parents’ Guide) Michael D. Powers, Psy.D.
8.05 The Hidden Child (The Linwood Method for Reaching the Autistic Child) Jeanne Simons and Sabine Oishi, Ph.D.
8.06 Educating Children and Youth with Autism (Strategies for Effective Practice) Richard L. Simpson and Brenda SmithMyles
8.07 Reaching the Child With Autism though Art (Practical fun activities to enhance motor skills and
to improve tactile and concept awareness.) Toni Flowers
8.08 Pervasive Developmental Disorders: A Vision for Success Shelley Craig, MS CCC
8.09 The Source for Autism
8.10 The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome Tony Attwood
8.11 Autism Aspergers: Solving the Relationship Puzzle Steven E Gutstein Ph,D.
8.12 Solving Behavior Problems in Autism (Improving communication with Visual Linda A. Hodgdon
8.13 A Parent’s Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome & High-Functioning Autism Sally Ozonoff, Ph.D.,
Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D. & James McPartland
8.14 Comic Strip Conversations Carol Gray
8.15 How to Teach Pivotal Behaviors to Children with Autism: A Training Manual Robert L. Koegel, Laura Schreibman,
Amy Good, Laurie Cerniglia, Murphy Clodagh, Lynn Kern-Koegel
8.16 Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism (A Manual for Parents and Professionals) Catherine Maurice
8.17 Navigating the Social World Jeanette McAfee, M.D.
8.18 A Treasure Chest of Behavioral Strategies for Individuals with Autism Beth Fouse, Ph.D.& Maria Wheeler, M.Ed.
8.19 Best Practice Guidelines for Screening, Diagnosis and Assessment CA DDS
8.20 Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew Ellen Notbohm
8.21 Autism and Asperger Syndrome preparing for adulthood Patricia Howlin
8.22 Autism Life Skills Chantal Sicile-Kira
8.23 Growing Up On the Spectrum A Guide to Life, Love, and Learning for Teens and Young Adults with AUTISM and ASPERGER’S Lynn Kern Koegel, Ph.D. and Claire LaZebnik
8.24 Could it be Autism? A Parent’s Guide to the first signs and next steps Nancy D. Wiseman
8.25 Autism Spectrum Disorders/The First Year: A Parent Expert Walks You Through Everything You Need to Learn and Do
Nancy D. Wiseman
8.26 FEAT Parent Resource Book FEAT
8.27 Binder Learning the R.O.P.E.S. for Improved Executive Function Patricia Schetter, M.A., B.C.B.A.
8.28 Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments Brenda Smith Myles and Jack Southwick
8.29 The Autism Sourcebook- Everything you need to know about diagnosis, treatment, coping, and healing
Fred. R. Volkmar, M.D.
8.30 Asperger’s and Girls Tony Attwood, Temple Grandin
8.31 Autism and the Seeds of Change Abigail Marshall and Ronald D. Davis
8.32 Born on a Blue Day, Inside the Mind of an Autistic Savant Daniel Tammet
8.33 Facing Autism-giving parents reasons for hope and guidance for help Lynn M Hamilton
8.34 The Way I see It Temple Grandin, Ph.D.
8.35 Look me in the eye; my life with Asperger’s John Elder Robison
8.36 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Mark Haddon
8.37 Diagnosis Autism, Now What: A Parent-Physician Team Approach Lawrence P. Kaplan, PhD
8.38 Yoga for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Dion and Stacey Betts
8.39 The Everything Parents Guide to Children with Autism Adelle Jameson Tilton
8.40 The Autism Answer Book William Stillman
8.41 Engaging Autism: Using the Floortime Approach to Help Children Relate, Communicate, and Think Stanley Greenspan, M.D. and Serena Wieder, Ph.D.
8.42 Could it be Autism? A Parent’s Guide to the First Signs and Next Steps Nancy D. Wiseman
8.43 Does my Child have Autism? A Parent’s Guide to Early Detection and Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders Wendy L. Stone, Ph.D. with Theresa Foy DiGeronimo, M.Ed.
8.44 The Way I See It: A Personal Look at Autism and Aspergers Temple Grandin
8.45 An Early Start for Your Child with Autism: Using Everyday Activities to Help Kids Connect, Communicate, and Learn Sally J. Rogers, Ph.D., Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D., Laurie A. Vismara, Ph.D.
8.46 Understanding Autism for Dummies: A Reference for the Rest of Us Stephen M. Shore,MA, Linda G. Rastelli, MA
9. Specific Disabilities
Number Title & Author
9.00 Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children Edited by Cathy Malchiodi
9.01 The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.
9.02 The Gut Solution: For Parents with Children who have Recurrent Abdominal Pain & Irritable Bowel Syndrome Michael Lawson, M.D., Jessica Del Pozo, Ph.D.
9.03 ADHD and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Kieran D. O’Malley
9.04 Reaching Out to Children with FAS/FAE (A handbook for teachers, counselors, and parents who work
with children affected by fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effects Diane Davis
9.05 Handling the Young Cerebral Palsied Child at Home Nancie R. Finnie FCSD
9.06 Children with Cerebral Palsy (A Parents’ Guide) Elaine Geralis
9.07 Coping with Cerebral Palsy (Answers to Questions Parents Often Ask) Second Edition Jay Schleichkorn
9.08 The Bipolar Handbook for Children, Teens and Families Wes Burgess, M.D., Ph.D.
9.09 Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder George T. Lynn
9.10 Down Syndrome Ira T. Lott, Ernest E. McCoy
9.11 Down Syndrome (An introduction for Parents) Cliff Cunningham
9.12 Down Syndrome (Growing and Learning) Siegfried M. Pueschel, Claire D. Canning, Ann Murphy and Elizabeth Zausmer
9.13 Babies with Down Syndrome (A New Parents Guide)2nd Edition Karen Stray-Gundersen
9.14 Aging and Down Syndrome NDSS
9.15 Teaching Children with Down Syndrome about Their Bodies, Boundaries, and Sexuality Terri Couwenhoven, M.S.
9.16 Count Us In: Growing Up With Down Syndrome Goan Ganz Cooney
9.17 The Source for Pediatric Dysphasia Nancy B. Swigert
9.18 My Anxious Mind: A Teens Guide to Managing Anxiety& Panic Michael A. Tompkins, Ph. D. , Katherine Martinez, Psy. D.
9.19 Learning Disabilities and Your Child Lawrence J. Greene
9.20 The Misunderstood Child Larry B. Silver, M.D.
9.21 Children with Epilepsy (A Parent’s Guide) Patricia McGill-Smith
9.22 The Gift of Dyslexia (Why Some of the Smartest People Can’t Read…and How They Can Learn) Ronald D. Davis
9.23 You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?! (A self Help book for adults with ADD) Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo
9.24 The Source for Syndromes Gail J. Richard and Debra Reichert Hoge
9.25 Handbook of Exercises for Language Processing, Help for Traumatic Brain Injury Andrea M. Lazzari
9.26 The Premature Baby Book Helen Harrison
9.27 When Love is Not Enough: A Guide to Parenting Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder Nancy L. Thomas
9.28 Self-Stimulating Behaviors
9.29 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Trying Differently Rather than Harder Diane Mablin, M.S.W.
9.30 Understanding Down Syndrome: An Introduction to Downs Syndrome Cliff Cunningham
9.31 Teaching Reading to Children with Down Syndrome Patricia Logan Oelwein
9.32 Gross Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome Patricia C. Winders
9.33 Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome and Other Hands-on Learners DeAnna Horstmeier, Ph.D.
9.34 The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain Brock L Eide, M.D., M.A. and Fernette F. Eide, M.D.
9.35 Super Duper Publications Word FLIPS for Learning Intelligible Production of Speech Rhonda Granger, Dale Ducworth, Tony Mitchell
9.36 Generation Stressed: Play-Based Tools to Help your Child Overcome Anxiety Michelle Kambolis
9.37 Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children Edited by Cathy Malchiodi
9.38 The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.
9.39 The Gut Solution: For Parents with Children who have Recurrent Abdominal Pain & Irritable Bowel Syndrome Michael Lawson, M.D., Jessica Del Pozo, Ph.D.
10. Teaching Strategies, Materials & Manuals
Number Title & Author
10.00 IEP and inclusion TIPS for parents and teachers Anne I Eason, Attorney at Law, Kathleen Whitbread, Ph.D.
10.01 Developing Educationally Relevant IEPs: A technical Assistance document for Speech-Language Pathologists
10.02 The Zones of Regulation- A Curriculum Designed to Foster Self-Regulation and Emotional Control Leah M. Kuypers, MA Ed. OTR/L
10.03 The ABA Program Companion (Organizing Quality Programs for Children with Autism and PDD) J Tyler Fovel, M.A.
10.04 Special Educator’s Complete Guide to 109 Diagnostic Tests Roger Pierangelo, Ph.D. &
George Giuliani, Psy.D.
10.05 Families, Professionals, and Exceptionality- Positive Outcomes through Partnerships and Trust Ann Turnbull, Rud Turnbull, Elizabeth Erwin, Leslie Soodak
10.06 The Anger Control Workbook (Simple, Innovative Techniques for Managing Anger and Developing Healthier Ways to Relating) Matthew McKay, Ph. D. and Peter Rogers, Ph. D.
10.07 The New Language of Toys: Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Special Needs Sue Schwartz, Ph.D. and Joan E. Heller Miller, Ed.M.
10.08 The Complete IEP Guide: How to Advocate for your Special Ed Child Lawrence M. Siegel
10.09 A Work in Progress: Behavior Management Strategies and a Curriculum for Intensive Behavioral Treatment of Autism Ron Leaf, John McEachin
10.10 The Way to A: Empowering Children with Autism Spectrum and Other Neurological Disorders to Moniter and Replace Aggression and Tantrum Behavior Hunter Manasco, M.S., CCC-SLP
10.11 Working with People with Challenging Behaviors Nathan Ory
10.12 Toddlers Learn By Doing Rita Schrank
10.13 A Parent’s Introduction to Behavior Modification Jim Wilson
10.14 Visual Strategies For Improving Communications Linda A. Hodgdon, M.ED., CCC-SLP
10.15 Worksheets for Teaching Social Thinking and Related Skill Michelle Garcia Winner
10.16 Brain Gym: Teacher’s Revised Edition Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D. & Gail E. Dennison
10.17 Brain Gym Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D. & Gail E. Dennison
10.18 Facilitating Play Dates for Children with Autism and Typically Developing Peers in Natural Settings: A Training Manual Laurie A. Vismara, Grace W. Gengoux, Mendy Boettcher, Robert L. Koegel, & Lynn Kern Koegel
10.19 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Ellen Notbohm and Veronica Zysk
10.20 California Preschool Learning Foundations Calif. Dept. of Ed.
10.21 Teaching the Young Child with Motor Delays Marci J. Hanson, Susan R. Harris
10.22 Early Communication Skills for Children with Down Syndrome Libby Kumin, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
10.23 Teaching Developmentally Disabled Children O. Ivar Lovaas
10.24 A Mind at a Time Mel Levine, M.D.
10.25 Learning Victories Joan M. Smith
10.26 BCP Instructional Activities VORT
10.27 Charlotte Circle Intervention Guide for Parent-Child Interactions Mary Lynne Calhoun, Ph. D., Terry L. Rose, Ph. D., Donna E. Predergat, M. Ed.
10.28 Early Communication Games Deborah G. Casey-Harvey M.S.
10.29 IEP and inclusion TIPS for Parents and Teachers Anne I Eason, Atty. & Kathleen Whitbread, PhD
10.30 Growing Wisdom, Growing Wonder Elizabeth Gregg and Judith Knotts
10.31 Blended Practices for Teaching Young Children in Inclusive Settings Jennifer Grisham-Brown, Mary Louise Hemmeter & Kristie Preti-Frontczak
10.32 A+ Teachers: How to Empower your Child’s Teacher and Your Child to Excellence
Erika V. Shearin Kames, Ed. D.
10.33 Complete Early Childhood Curriculum Resource Mary A. Sobut/Bonnie Neuman Bogen
10.34 Kids with Special Needs The Learning Works
10.35 Hunter and his Amazing Remote Control Lori Ann Copeland, Ph.D.
10.35a The Amazing Remote Control Self-Regulation Program Lori Ann Copeland, Ph.D.
10.36 The Encyclopedia of Infant and Toddler Activities for Children Birth to Three Kathy Charner, Maureen Murphy, Charlie Clark
10.37 Training from the Back of the Room! 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let them Learn Sharon L. Bowman
10.38 425 Seriously Fun Ways to Enhance Learning and Make it Stick! Christie Sterns
10.39 Retrain your Brain: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in 7 Weeks, A Workbook for Managing Depression and Anxiety Seth J. Gillihan, PhD
10.40 Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary “Executive Skills” Approach to Helping Kids Reach their Potential Peg Dawson, EdD and Richard Guare, PhD
10.41 The Play’s the Thing: Teachers’ Roles in Children’s Play Elizabeth Jones, Gretchen Reynolds
10.42 Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when the Stakes are High Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
10.43 Visuals: Make the Abstract Concrete! Root & Bloom
10.44 Wilma Jean the Worry Machine Activity and Idea Book Julia Cook
10.45 The ABA Visual Language: Applied Behavior Analysis Makoto Shibutani
10.46 Behaviorspeak: A Glossary of Terms in Applied Behavior Analysis Bobby Newman, Ph.D., B.C.B.A., Kenneth F. Reeve, Ph.D., Sharon A. Reeve, Ph.D., B.C.B.A., Carolyn S. Ryan, M.Phil, B.C.B.A.
10.47 Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis Edited by Wayne W. Fisher, Cathleen C. Piazza, Henry S. Roane
10.48 Conducting School-Based Functional Behavior Assessments: A Practitioner’s Guide Mark W. Steege, Jamie L. Pratt, Garry Wickerd, Richard Guare, T. Stuart Watson
10.49 Applied Behavior Analysis Cooper, Heron, Heward
11. Nutrition & Medical Reference
Number Title & Author
11.00 Let’s Cook/Vamos a Cocinar WIC
11.01 The Complete Guide to Wheat-Free Cooking Phyllis Potts
11.02 Nutrition Strategies for Children With Special Needs (Identifying Kids At Risk) Center for Child Development Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
11.03 Prescription for Nutritional Healing James F. Balch, M.D. & Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C.
11.04 Children With Disabilities (A Medical Primer) Mark L. Batshaw, M.D., & Yvonne M. Perret, M.A., M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
11.05 The Natural Medicine Guide to Autism Stephanie Marohn
11.06 Health Care Connections: A Guide for Families of Children with Special health care Needs Bay Area Family Health Links
11.07 Counseling Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Christiane Sanderson
11.08 Treatment Planning in Psychotherapy: Taking the Guesswork out of Clinical Care Sheila R. Woody, Jerusha Derweiler-Bedell, Bethany A. Teachman, Todd O’hearn
11.09 101 Favorite Play Therapy Techniques Heidi Kaduson, Charles Schaefer, Eds.
11.10 Short-Term Play Therapy for Children Edited by Heidi Gerard Kaduson, Charles E. Schaefer
12. Inclusion, Circle of Friends
Number Title & Author
12.00 Community Recreation and People with Disabilities (Strategies for Inclusion) Stuart J. Schleien, M. Tipton Ray, & Frederick P. Green
12.01 Including Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities in Typical Classrooms June E. Downing
12.02 The Beyond Access Model Promoting Membership, Participation, and Learning for Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom Cheryl M. Jorgensen, Michael McSheehan, Rae M. Sonnenmeier
12.03 The Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom Patti Gould & Joyce Sullivan
12.04 Help for Billy- A Beyond Consequences Approach to Helping Challenging Children in the Classroom Heather T. Forbes,LCSW
12.05 Beyond Consequences, Logic and Control Heather T. Forbes, LCSW & B. Bryan Post, LCSW
12.06 Inclusion- Part 1 & 2
12.07 From Disability to Possibility: The Power of the Inclusive Classroom Patrick Schwarz
13. Children Books Relating to Disabilities
Number Title & Author
13.00 Views from Our Shoes (Growing Up with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs Donald Meyer
13.01 I’m the Big Sister Now Michelle Emmert
13.02 Sisters, Brothers, and Disability (A Family Album) Lydia Gans
13.03 I Love My Brother! Connor Sullivan
13.04 Ian’s Walk: A Story About Autism Laurie Lears
13.05 Taking Autism to School Andreanna Edwards
13.06 A Is for Autism, F Is for Friend Joanna L. Keating-Velasco
13.07 Little Rainman- Autism through the eyes of a child Karen L. Simmons
13.08 All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome Kathy Hoopman
13.09 My Buddy Audrey Osofsky
13.10 If Only I Had a Green Nose Max Lucado
13.11 Trevor Trevor Diane Twachtman-Cullen13.12 Joey and Sam Illana Katz and Edward Ritvo, M.D.
13.13 Karli and the Star of the Week Tara Leonard & Tara Rupp
13.14 Shelley The Hyperactive Turtle Deborah M Moss
13.15 Learning to Slow Down and Pay Attention Kathleen G Nadeau, PhD & Ellen B Dixon, PhD
13.16 A Boy and a Bear (The Children’s Relaxation Book) Lori Lite
13.17 Handling Your Ups and Downs Joy Wilt
13.18 Andy and His Yellow Frisbee Mary Thompson
13.19 I Wish I could Fly Like A Bird Katherine Denison
13.20 Everybody is Different Fiona Bleach
13.21 Little Tree (A story for children with serious medical problems) Joyce C. Mills, Ph.D.
13.22 Going to the Potty Fred Rogers
13.23 Don’t Hide Abuse Robert Kahn
13.24 Once Upon a Potty Alona Frankel
13.25 The Bully Blockers: Standing up for Classmates with Autism Celeste Shally
13.26 A Shelter in Our Car Monica Gunning
13.27 What Survival Looks Like in School Helen Townsend
13.28 Mission: Control! A Big Feelings Adventure Nan Arkwright
13.29 Just Ask! Be different, Be brave, Be you Sonia Sotomayor
13.30 Blue Cheese Breath and Stinky Feet: How to Deal with Bullies Catherine DePino
13.31 The Memory Box: A Book About Grief Joanna Rowland
13.32 I Used to be Afraid Laura Vaccaro Seeger
13.33 The Invisible String Patrice Karst
13.34 Hunter and His Amazing Remote Control (Also See Book #10.35a) Lori Ann Copeland
13.35 My Heart Hurts: A Grief Workbook for Children Karen Jaggers LPC
13.36 My Brother Sammy Becky Edwards, David Armitage
13.37 It’s Okay to Be Different Todd Parr
13.38 All my Stripes: A Story for Children with Autism Shaina Rudolph, Danielle Royer
13.39 Terrific Tanner Amy Smith
13.40 Hands are Not for Hitting Martine Agassi
13.41 Temple Did It, and I Can, Too! Seven Simple Life Rules Jennifer Gilpin Yacio, Introdution by Temple Grandin
13.42 Tony Goes in the Car Valerie Sheehan
13.43 Tony Goes to a Party Valerie Sheehan
13.44 Tony Goes to a Playground Valerie Sheehan
13.45 Tony Goes Shopping Valerie Sheehan
13.46 Tony Goes Swimming Valerie Sheehan
13.47 Tony Tries New Food Valerie Sheehan
14. Transition
Number Title & Author
14.00 Workability 1: Family Transition Guide California Dept of Education
14.01 Transition Handbook Sutter Co. / Yuba Co. 2006
14.02 Transition to Adult Living (An Information and Resource Guide) Calif. Dept. of Education 2007
14.03 Moving On – Transition to Adult Services Workbook for Parents Warmline FRC
14.04 Transition to Adult Living: A Guide for Secondary Education 2003 CA Dept of Edu
14.05 What is Transition? Excerpt
14.06 The New Transition Handbook Carolyn Hughes & Erik W. Carter
14.07 Essentials of Transition Planning Paul Wehman
14.08 Complete Guide to Special Education Transition Services (Ready to use help and materials for successful transition from school to adulthood) Roger Pierangelo,, Rochelle Crane, C.S.W.14.09
14.09 Transition from School to Work for Students with Disabilities Linda Gamble, Ed.D. and Ann Andersen
14.10 Yuba College/Disabled Students Programs & Services YCCD
14.11 Transition Magician Ruth Chvojicek, Mary Henthorne, Nola Larson
15. Special Education, & IDEA
Number Title & Author
15.00 Home Schooling Children with Special Needs Sharon Hensley, M.A.
15.01 Negotiating the Special Education Maze; A Guide for Parents & Teachers – 4th Edition Winifred Anderson, Stephen Chitwood, Deidre Hayden
15.02 Ask Reed, Answers to Special Education Questions (Including Strategies to Get the Services You Need) Reed Martin, J.D.
15.03 Understanding Special Education Services Warmline Publication
15.04 Strategies for Effective Due Process Hearings SELPA
15.05 IDEA Administrative Complaint Training CA Dept. of Ed.
15.06 Guidance on Required Content of Forms US Dept of Education
15.07 Getting Control of the IEP Process Reed Martin, J.D.
15.08 Parent Rights Under IDEA Fall 2013 Lynne Castellucci, Michael Rosenberg, & Kaytie Sproul
15.09 The Road to Collaboration Lynne Castelucci & Michael Rosenberg
15.10 Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Facilitated IEP Sutter County SELPA 2016
15.11 Yuba County SELPA Eligibility Criteria Handbook Yuba Co. Selpa
15.12 Special Education Rights and Responsibilities CASE & PAI
16. ADA, ATA
Number Title & Author
16.00 Accommodations in Higher Education under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Michael Gordonand Shelby Keiser
16.01 Access to Schools; A Guide to the Rights of Public Schools Students With Physical Disabilities Disability Rights Advocates
16.02 Americans with Disabilities Act – Access Guide: Survey Checklist Dept of Rehabilitation
16.03 Americans with Disabilities Act – A Comprehensive Overview Dept of Rehabilitation
16.04 Employment Rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act Disability Rights California/July 04
16.05 Preparing the Workplace for Everyone: Accounting for the Needs of People with Disabilities Interagency Coordinating Council on Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Special Needs
16.06 Disability Evaluation Under Social Security Social Security Administration
17. Lanterman Act, IPP, IFSP
Number Title & Author
17.00 Special Needs Trusts
17.01 Planning for the Future L. Mark Russell, J.D., Arnold E. Grant, J.D., Suzane M. Joseph, C.F.P., Richard W. Fee, M.Ed., M.A.
17.02 With Open Arms NEFE/Easter Seals
17.03 From Conversations to Actions- Using the IPP DDS, CAC, ARCA
17.04 IPP Training
17.05 It’s All About Options (A guide to living arrangements for Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities)
17.06 Conservatorship Planning Materials
17.07 Limited Conservatorship
17.08 Special Needs Trust Workshop
17.09 Principals of Conservatorship for Regional Center Consumers
17.10 Conservatorship Forms
17.11 Administering a Special Needs Trust
17.12 Life Planning Services Estate Planning for the developmentally disabled Donald F. Morford
17.13 Individual Program Plan Resource Manual
18. Advocacy
Number Title & Author
18.00 From Emotions to Advocacy Peter W.D. Wright & Pamela Darr Wright
18.01 No Child Left Behind Peter W.D. Wright, Pamela Darr Wright, Suzanne Whitney Heath
18.02 Special Education Law
18.03 The Rights of Patients George J. Annas
18.04 Special Education Rights & Responsibilities Community Alliance for Special Education
19. Early Intervention FRCNA
Number Title & Author
19.00 The Early Intervention Dictionary Jeanie G. Coleman, M. Ed.
19.01 Early Childhood Special Education BIRTH TO EIGHT Frank G. Bowe
19.02 Young Children with Special Needs Richard Gargiulo, Jennifer Kilgo
19.03 Children With Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings Carol L. Paasche, Lola Gorrill, Bev Strom
19.04 Exploring Support Systems- A Family Education Program Jeanne Mendoza, Ph.D.
19.05 Early Intervention Everyday! Merle J. Crawford, Barbara Weber
19.06 Beautiful Beginnings Helen H. Raikes. Jane McCall Whitmer
19.07 Moving on to Preschool (A Resource Guide to the Transition Process for Your Child with Special Needs) Warmline FRC
19.08 The Transition Sourcebook, A Practical Guide for Early Intervention Programs Andrea M. Lazzari
19.09 Handbook on Developing and Evaluating Interagency Collaborating in Early Childhood Special Education Programs California Dept. Of Ed
19.10 Bridging Early Services for Children with Special Needs and Their Families (A Practical Guide for Transition Planning) Sharon E. Rosenkoetter, Ann H. Hains, Susan A. Fowler
19.11 The Late Talker (What to Do if Your Child isn’t Talking Yet) Marilyn C. Agin, M.D., Lisa F. Geng, Malcom J. Nicholl
19.12 How Babies Talk (The Magic and Mystery of language in the First Three Years of Life) Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph. D., Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ph. D.
19.13 What to Expect: The Toddler Years Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi Murkoff, Sandee Hathaway, B.S.N.
19.14 Beyond Baby Talk: From Sounds to Sentences- A Parent’s Complete Guide to Language Development
Kenn Apel, Ph. D., CCC-SLP and Julie J. Masterson, Ph. D., CCC-SLP
19.15 My Toddler Talks- Strategies and Activities to Promote Your Child’s Development Kimberly Scanlon, MA., CCC-SLP
19.16 The Cow Says Moo- Ten Tips to Teach Toddlers to Talk: An Early Intervention Guide Vicky McErlean, M.S.Ed. with Madelyn Bythell
19.17 The Activity Kit for Babies and Toddlers at Risk- How to Use Every Day Social and Communication Skills Deborah Fein, Ph.D., Molly Helt, Ph.D., Lynn Brennan, BCBA-D and Marianne Barton, Ph.D.
19.18 Make Play ROCK- Plan for People Play (Building Early Social Communication Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Social Communication Difficulties) Fern Sussman, Elaine Weitzman
19.19 You Make the Difference in Helping Your Child Learn Ayala Manolson, Barbara Ward, Nancy Dodington
19.20 Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism: Promoting Language, Learning, and Engagement (Book and Handbook) Sally Roger and Geraldine Dawson
19.21 Handbook on Assessment and Evaluation in Early Childhood Special Education Programs CDE
19.22 Positive Discipline The First Three Years: From Infant to Toddler- Laying the Foundation for Raising a Capable, Confident Child Jane Nielsen, Ed.D., Cheryl Gerwin, M.A., Roslyn Ann Duffy
20. Social Skills
Number Title & Author
20.00 Ready-To-Use Social Skills Lessons & Activities for Grades preK-K Ruth Weltmann Begun
20.01 Social Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs Darlene Mannix
20.02 Life Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs Darlene Mannix
20.03 Don’t Take It So Literally! Danielle M. Legler
20.04 204 Fold & Say Social Skills Deena E. Mahler, M.S., CCC-SLP
20.05 Relationship Development Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Adults / Social and Emotional Developments Activities for Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD Steven E. Gutstein & Rachelle K. Sheely
20.06 Social Interaction Workbook
20.07 Think Social / A Social Think8ng Curriculum for School-Age Students Michelle Garcia Winner
20.08 Playing it Right! Social Skills Activities for Parents and Teachers of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Including Aspergers Syndrome Rachael Bareket
20.09 Do-Watch-Listen-Say: Social and Communication Intervention for Children with Autism Kathleen Ann Quill
20.10 The New Social Story Book Jenison Public Schools
20.11 Taking Care of Myself Mary Wrobel
20.12 Social Skills Picture Book: Teaching Play, Emotion, and Communication to Children with Autism Jed Baker, Ph. D.
20.13 Stick Up for Yourself! Every Kid’s Guide to Personal Power and Positive Self-Esteem Gershen Kaufman, Ph. D., Lev Raphael, Ph.D.
20.14 Social Emotional Tools for Life: An Early Childhood Teacher’s Guide to Supporting Strong Emotional Foundations and Successful Social Relationships Michelle M. Forrester, Ph.D., Kay M. Albrecht, Ph.D.
20.15 Don’t Call me Shy: Preparing Children for a Lifetime of Social Success Laurie Adelman
21. Deaf, Hard of Hearing, ASL
Number Title & Author
21.00 In Our House Carolyn Norris
21.01 Sign Language Beginning Series: Fruits & Vegetables Garlic Press
21.02 Sign Language Beginning Series: Holidays & Celebrations Garlic Press
21.03 Sign Language Beginning Series: Signing at School Garlic Press
21.04 Sign Language Beginning Series: An Alphabet of Animal Signs Garlic Press
21.05 My ABC Signs of Animal Friends Ben Bahan & Joe Dannis
21.06 Signing Exact English Gerilee Gustason & Esther Zawolkow
21.07 Preferred Signs for Instructional Purposes (English and Spanish) Texas State Board of Education 1978
21.08 The Pocket Dictionary of Signing Rod R. Butterworth & Mickey Flodin
21.09 Your Child’s Hearing
21.10 Opening Doors: Technology And Communication Options for Children With Hearing Loss U.S. Department of Education
21.11 Parentlinks (Hope, Dream, Achieve) Providing Support for Families of Infants and Toddlers Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing California Dept. of Education
21.12 Keys to Raising A Deaf Child Virginia Frazier-Maiwald & Leonore M. Williams, M.A.
21.13 A Journey into the Deaf-World Harlan Lane, Robert Hoffmeister, Bed Bahann
21.14 Reading Between the Signs Anna Mindess
21.15 Signing for Kids Mickey Flodin
21.16 Signs for Me- Basic Sign Vocabulary for Children, Parents & Teachers Ben Bahan, Joe Dannis
21.17 Religious Signing: A comprehensive guide for all faiths Elaine Costello
21.18 The American Sign Language Puzzle Book Justin Segal
21.19 Numbering in American Sign Language Dawn Sign Press
22. Blind, Visually Impaired, Braille
Number Title & Author
22.00 Read Books Because Braille Matters! National Braille Press
22.01 Children with Visual Impairments: A Parent’s Guide M Cay Holbrook, Ph. D.
22.02 Children’s Vision Concerns (Look beyond the eyes!) Lois Harrell
22.03 Braille Code: Learn Visually (Raised Braille is not Included)
22.04 Braille: Animals DK Braille
22.05 It Can’t Be True!: The Book of Incredible Visual Comparisons DK Braille
Number Title & Author
V.2.00 1-2-3 Magic (Managing Difficult Behavior in Children 2-12) Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.
V.2.01 Surviving Your Adolescents (How to Manage and Let Go Of your 13-18 Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.
V.2.02 More 1-2-3 Magic (Encouraging Good Behavior, Independence, and Self-Esteem) Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.
V.3.00 Tube Feeding Your Child at Home Ross Nutrition
V.3.01 The Medicated Child Frontline
V.6.00 Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder- Not Just a Child’s Disorder Shire US Inc.
V.6.01 Father to Father: Expert Advice on ADHD! Chris A. Zeigler, Dendy Consulting LLC, Alex Ziegler, Robert Thomas Dendy
V.6.02 ADD: Mastering It! Dr. Umesh Jain
V.6.03 ADHD Seminar: Executive Functioning, Life Course Outcomes & Management Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D.
V.6.04 Real Life ADHD: A DVD Survival Guide for Children & Teens Chris A. Zeigler Dendy & Alex Zeigler
V.8.00 Intricate Minds – Understanding Classmates With Asperger Syndrome Coulter Video
V.8.01 Through the Eyes of Autism Erica Jean
V.8.02 Autism is a World CNN
V.8.03 Nightline- Echoes of Autism: Brother’s Keeper Abc news
V.8.04 Straight Talk about Autism With Parents & Kids: Childhood & Adolescent Issues Attainment Co.
V.8.05 Overview of Biomedical Research & Treatment for Autism James B. Adams Arizona State University
V.8.06 Autism: The Musical
V.8.07 Positive Behavior Strategies for Your Child with Autism UC Davis ADEPT
V.8.08 Strategies for Teaching Functional Skills UC Davis ADEPT
V.9.00 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: What the Courts Need to Know, What the Corrections Need to Know Santa Clara County FASD Task Force
V.9.01 Living with Fragile X Kathy Elder
V.9.02 The Big Picture- Rethinking Dyslexia: The Myths, The Stigmas, The Truths, Revealed. Docudrama
V.10.00 IEP Workshop 2008
V.10.01 The First IEP: Parent Perspectives Deborah Chen, Annie Cox
V.10.02 Strategies for Organization: Preparing for Homework and The Real World (DVD and Handbook) Michelle Garcia Winner
V.12.00 Kit for Inclusion Team Success
V.14.00 Multiple Occupations Real World
V.14.01 Getting a Job! Tools, Techniques, Trainings PEPNET
V.14.02 Skills to Pay the Bills ODEP
V.15.00 RTI Intervention
V.15.00a RTI Getting Started
V.15.00b RTI Why Now?
V.15.00c RTI Admin Issues
V.15.01 Parent Rights Under IDEA 2013 AB3, Lynne Castellucci, Michael Rosenberg, Kaytie Sproul
V.15.02 Tool Kit on Teaching and Assessing Students with Disabilities US Dept of Ed.
V.15.03 IDEA 2004 Part B Final Regulations US Dept of Ed
V.16.00 Freedom Machines Richard Cox Productions
V.19.00 AAC Language Lab PRC
V.19.01 Seeing is Believing Zero to Three
V.21.00 Through Your Child’s Eyes: American Sign Language CSU Northridge
V.21.01 Unrealized Dreams: Stories of Deaf Individuals With Unique Needs PEPNET
V.21.02 Second Chance- Is it Too Late to Start Over? Carmen Amaya
Spanish DVDs
V.SP.1.00 Como Obtener un Trabajo- Herramientas, Tecnicas, Capacitacion PEPNET
Spanish DVDs in the English Library
V.2.00 1-2-3 Magic (Managing Difficult Behavior in Children 2-12) Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.
V.2.02 More 1-2-3 Magic (Encouraging Good Behavior, Independence, and Self-Esteem) Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.
V.8.02 Autism is a World CNN
V.16.00 Freedom Machines Richard Cox Productions
V.21.00 Through Your Child’s Eyes: American Sign Language CSU Northridge
V.21.02 Second Chance- Is it Too Late to Start Over? Carmen Amaya
Spanish Library
Number/Numero Title & Author/Titulo y Autor
Spanish 01 El Cuidado de su Hijo Dr. Spock
Spanish 02 Guiandose Pro La Inricada Senda de la Education-Una Guia para Padres y Maestros Winifred Anderson, Stephen Chitwood, Deidre Hayden
Spanish 03 Spanish Down Syndrome Material
Spanish 04 Cuando Alguien Muy Especial Muere Marge Eaton Heegaard
Spanish 05 Usted Hace La Diferencia Para Que Su Hijo Puede Aprender Ayala Manolson, Barbara Ward, Nancy Dodington
Spanish 06 Ninos genios, Hiperactivos o malcriados Linsday Stevenson D.
Spanish 07 Como Evitar el Insomnio Infantil Dr. Richard Ferber
Spanish 08 Los Primeros Cinco Anos Mary D. Sheridan
Spanish 09 Transicion a la Vida Adulta- Capacitacion y Empoderamiento para Padres Rowell FRC
Spanish 10.4 1-2-3 Magia-Diciplina Efectiva para Ninos de 2 a 12 anos Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.
Spanish 11 Su “IPP” Capitol People First & PAI
Spanish 12 Derechos y Responsibilidades CASE & PAI
Spanish 13 La Guia de Bienstar Su Guia para Mantenerse Saludable en California UC Berkley
Spanish 14 Cambiandose A Un Programa Pre-Escolar
Spanish 15 Sindrome de Down- Problematica Biomedica
Spanish 16 Sindrome de Down y Educacion Jesus Florez, Maria Victoria Troncoso
Spanish 17 Ternura y Firmeza con los Hijos Alexander Lyford-Pike
Spanish 18 Ninos Hiperactivos C. Avila y A. Polaino-Lorente
Spanish 19 El Mejor Comiezo-El Primer Ano de Tu Bebe Deborah D. Stewart, Linda S. Ungerleider, RN, MSN
Spanish 20.2 Companeros En El Idioma: Guia Para Los Padres Deborah D. Stewart, Linda S. Ungerleider, RN, MSN
Spanish 21 Su Hijo La Referencia Esencial T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.
Spanish 22 Como escoger una guarderia para su bebe Children’s Home Society of Calif.
Spanish 23 Seamos Saludables ahora! Sesame Street
Spanish 24 Sopa de Pollo para el Alma Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hanson
Spanish 25 Sopa de Pollo para el Alma: Inquebrantable Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hanson, Heather McNamara
Spanish 26 El autismo en ninos y adultos – Una guia para la familia Lorna Wing
Spanish 27 Juegos para mejorar la autoestima en los niños Barbara Sher
Spanish 28 Signos para el English Exacto Edited by Merilee Gustason & Esther Zawolkow
Spanish 29 Esto es el Sindrome de Asperger Elisa Gognon, Brenda Smith Myles
Spanish 30 Asperger…? Que significa para mi? Catherine Faherty
Spanish 31 El Sindrome de Asperger: Una guia para la familia Tony Attwood
Spanish 32 Convivir con el autism; guias para padres Mike Stanton
Spanish 33 Medical Spanish Gail l. Bongovanni, MD
Spanish 34 Healthy Families
Spanish 35 Great Beginnings
Spanish 36 Discacidad; enfrentar juntos el reto Marc I. Ehrlich y Erica de Uslar
Spanish 37 Epilepsia y Desordenes Convulsivos o Crisis Epilepticas: Una Guia de Recursos Para Las Familias La Fundacion para La Epilepsia del Norte de California
Spanish 38 Derechos y Responsabilidades de la Educacion Especial CASE y PAI
Spanish 39 Pasitos para Nuevos Padres Una guia y diario seminal para el primer ano del bebe Sandy Briggs
Spanish 40 Los Transtornos del Espectro de Autismo de la A a la Z Barbara T. Doyle, M.S., Emily Doyle Iland, B.A.
Spanish 41 Guia de Recursos Comienzo Temprano Warmline FRC
Spanish 42 Como administrar un fideicomiso para necesidades especiales Special Needs Alliance
Spanish 43 Enunciado De Los Pricipios de Child First- Igualdad y Calidad de Educacion para Ninos Sordos e Hipoacusicos Child First Campaign
Spanish 44 ¡Dígalo en señas! Lenguage de Señas Americano Lucas Soto