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What We Do

Able Riders

Able Riders Therapeutic Horseback Riding is a program operated by Family SOUP to provide an opportunity for children with disabilities to benefit from the therapeutic effects of horseback riding.

Why Able Riders Therapeutic Horseback Riding is needed

Able Riders is the only therapy  horseback riding program in the Sutter/Yuba/Colusa county area. This therapy relaxes tight muscles, improves balance and coordination, strength and endurance, neuromotor function, sensory processing, patience, attention, confidence and self-esteem.


What is therapeutic horseback riding?

Therapeutic horseback riding is the use of horses and equine-assisted activities in order to achieve goals that enhance physical, emotional, social, cognitive, behavioral and educational skills for people who have disabilities. It not only focuses on the therapeutic riding skills but also the development of a relationship between horse and rider. It uses a team approach in order to provide treatment for the individual with the guidance of riding instructor. Horses provide a unique neuromuscular stimulation through their one of a kind movement. Horses move in a rhythmic motion that mimics the human movement of walking. While riding, the horse’s stride acts to move the rider's pelvis in the same rotation and side-to-side movement that occurs when walking. The gait of the horse prompts riders to constantly adjust to achieve the desired pelvic motion that promotes strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and confidence. The American Physical Therapy Association and the American Occupational Therapy Association recognize the therapeutic qualities of horseback riding. Physical therapists often remark on the added progress children make with the horseback riding that they couldn't achieve in clinic. Our stories are not unique and include a rider who was wheelchair bound with traumatic brain injury with no prospects of ever walking again. After years of physical therapy and no progress toward walking he rode with Able Riders and 10 months later he began walking independently. Eventually his mother claimed she had to run after him! Another young man learned to read in middle school after being motivated to read anything to do with horses and six years later earned a high school diploma.

Adaptive Riding Evaluations are $67.16* and Adaptive Riding Session (60 minutes) are $65.52*. 
*Limited Scholarships are available. Contact for scholarship qualification information.

Scholarships for Able Riders are made possible through outside funding sources including; the Able Riders Leg Up for Able Riders fund raiser, the Family SOUP annual campaign, the Family SOUP annual fundraising event, Alta California Regional Center, Families for Children, and private donations from local donors and businesses.

Wanted: responsible Volunteers over the age of 15

Able Riders is recruiting responsible young people and adults to volunteer for our program. Able Riders is a therapeutic horseback riding program for children and young adults with special needs. We are looking for individuals to help sidewalk, lead, and groom horses. While horse experience is desired, it is not necessary.

Therapeutic horseback riding is a fun and motivating way to provide therapy for individuals with physical, mental or emotional disabilities. We welcome new volunteers as part of the program. We offer training and seek people who want to truly make a difference in the lives of children with special needs.

We ride on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The first of our 45 minute sessions begins at 4:00 p.m.

To learn more about volunteering, please call (530)751-1925 or email

We need you! Click here to complete a volunteer form.
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