Sensory Friendly Trick-or-Treat

We are so excited to have you join our sensory friendly trick-or-treat event, open to families that have or currently work with Family SOUP. Please choose a 15 minute slot that will be exclusively for your family, reducing crowds at the office and making it sensory inclusive. Please arrive on time!!!
Your child will have the opportunity to decorate a trick-or-treat bag and get treats from our staff members! Costumes are welcome, but not required. Please let us know if your child needs non-food items as their treats or other special accommodations. We are excited to see you all here!
If you have any questions or need to change your time slot, please contact 530-751-1925 ext 110
Sensorialmente amigable Trick-or-Treat
Para las familias de Family SOUP
Ven a pedir dulces a la oficina de Family SOUP
para una experiencia de trick-or-treat sensorial. .
Cada familia se puede reservar su propia sesión de 15 minutos.
Reduciendo el ruido, evitando multitudes abrumadoras, y manteniendo el evento sensorial-inclusivo. Podrán hacer una bolsa de "trick-or-treat" (truco o trato) y visitar a los miembros de nuestro personal para recibir un regalo especial.
Los disfraces son bienvenidos, pero no obligatorios.
Puede solicitar golosinas aptas para personas con algun tipo de alérgia antes del evento.
El evento es gratis pero es necesario registrarse en:
Contacte a 530-751-1925 ext. 104
para más información o para solicitar algo en especial.