TEEM-G Teen Support Group

TEEM- G: Be Strong, Be Healthy
During Spring/ Summer 2024, Family SOUP'S TEEM-G (teen group) will be holding a series of classes focused on "Be strong, Be healthy" in collaboration with CalFresh. Open to teens ages 12-17 in Yuba, Sutter, and Colusa Counties.
Register at: tinyurl.com/TEEMG24
or contact Travis@ Family SOUP
530-751-1925 ext. 103 for more information
Go for the Goal- Goal setting and healthy movement go hand-in-hand. During this series teens will learn how to set and achieve goals while participating in fun physical fitness activities provided by a variety of community partners.
Will meet 10:30-11:30 at various locations.
June 27- Catch with Kira Willman/ CalFresh
July 4- No class
July 11- Laugh Yoga with Courtney Payne/ Hearty Laugh Yoga
July 18- C.A.T.C.H. Physical Fitness Education with Kira Willman
July 25- Strength and Endurance with Michio Takehashi/ Grind:30
Grupo de empoderamiento, entretenimiento y motivación para adolescentes de 12 a 17 años con necesidades especiales en los condados de Sutter, Yuba, y Colusa.
Registrese en :
o contacte Travis@ Family SOUP
530-751-1925 ext. 103 si necesita más information
Establecer objetivos de fortalecimiento a través del movimiento saludable
Reuniones: 10:30-11:30 am diferentes locaciones
27 de junio- C.A.T.C.H. Educación Física con Kira Willman/CalFresh
11 de julio- Yoga Divertida con Courtney Payne/Hearty Laugh Yoga
18 de julio- C.A.T.C.H. Educación Física con Kira Willman/CalFresh
25 de julio- Fortaleza y resistencia con Michio Takehashi/Grind:30